Portage Daily Register from Portage, Wisconsin (2024)

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Portage Daily Registeri

Portage, Wisconsin

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PORTAGE DAILY REGISTER Thurs Jan 30 1969 Page 8 Pardeeville Area News Livestock amics at Ceramics in Oregon Sunday morning Mr and Mrs Kenneth Culver attended a card party at Pickett Saturday night then spent Sun- nois were week-end guests of Mr and Mrs Ed Hill Mr and Mrs Julius Stark and family attended a birthday dinner at the home of Mr and Card of Thanks- BRAUE May we express our sincere gratitude and thanks to relatives friends and neighbors for the many acts of kindness and sympathy at the time and death of our dear husband and father We extend special thanks to Rev Lee Dr Macgregor Police Department hospital staff Ladles Aide also who sent cards and memorials Alma Braue and Children and Grandchildren PESCHEL My sincere thanks to Dr William Taylor and staff on the 4th floor at Divine Savior Hospital and all those who remembered me with gifts cards and calls during my stay there and since I returned home God bless all of you I Mrs ffm Peschel Star Club in Madison on Saturday The Study Club met Thursday at the home of Mrs Beatrice Heaps Mrs Louie Merrill spent Friday with her daughter Mrs Lan-nie Cross at Lodi Mr and Mrs Wally Andrews and Tommy of Portge were Birthday dinner guests Sunday of Mr and Mrs George Wuerch and Jimmy to honor birthday Beverly Merrill spent the Mrs David Stark at Reedsburg day at Oshkosh visiting Mr and Saturday night in honor of Rich- Mrs Richard Prellwitz and and birthdays other relatives and friends Mr and Mrs Raymond Minardi Scottie Brandsma of Cambria and family attended a Birthday spent Monday with his grand-dinner for her niece Teresa at the mother Mrs Arthur Brandsma MRS WALTER NIELSON Phone 429-2668 Mr and Mrs Roy Dolajek and family! Waupun Mrs George James of Wyocena and Mr and Mrs Mike Eggleston were dinner guests Sunday of Mrs Hazel Eggleston Mrs Isabelle Birkholz of Markesan spent Sunday with Mrs John Steiner Mr and Mrs JM Jenks accompanied Mr and Mrs Byron Kamrath to the card party at Wyocena Saturday night Mr and Mrs Melville Spicer called on Myrle Spicer at the Veterans Hospital at Madison Sunday Mr and Mrs'HO Whittemore gave a Farewell dinner Sunday for Mrs WC Bender of Monroe who is leaving on a four month tour of England Ireland and Scotland Other guests were I Marsh News Mrs Steve Thompson and Mrs Lela Fisher attended the Eastern MRS LAURA WOHLFERT Phone 339-6870 A Parents and Teachers meeting was held at the school house Thursday evening Funeral services were held at the Roseberrys Funeral Home Friday for Mrs Anthony Flees Bernard Bonnett consulted his doctor in Friendship Thursday He is felling much better Mr and Mrs Fritz Ellinger from Westfield spent Saturday afternoon at the Ed home Grand home of Mr and Mrs Roger Maynard and family Sunday Sunday night they visited Mr and Mrs Norman Pasold also at Madison Arthur Paske of Lodi was a supper guest Sunday night of the Lena Nielsen family rural Pardeeville Mr and Mrs Carl TreadweU and family and Mr and Mrs Louie MerrUl attended the Mid-Winter Costume Ball at Turner Hall Watertown Satur- day night There was an atten- dance of 600 and Door prizes were won by Helen Treadwell Ruth and Harley Ward and Louie Merrill Prizes for the best Cdstumes were Beaver Dam 1st and Meno-1 minee Falls 2nd Mrs Raymond Minardi attend- ed the Demonstration of Cer- youe kind cant 'N This cold weather is riot enjoyable 1 Jan 30 1951 Coldest Day 53 below zero Mrs Milford Morgan Sr and son Dean made a trip to Oshkosh Monday 1 Mr and Mrs Lloyd Day from Wisconsin Rapids were Sunday afternoon visitors at the Dan Day home Mr and Mrs Arnold Garbar-ski and son Bobby and Mrs Laura Wohlfert and son Harold were supper guests at the Claude Padoll home Wednesday even Mr and Mrs William KasaKaitas and Cheryl Miss Helen Melchert and Dr John Grab all of Madi- week-end her sister Mrs Lannie Cross at Lodi I Mrs Susan Mays of St Louis Mo was a Monday guest at the home of Mr and Mrs George Wuerch and son Mr and Mrs ZM Wisniewski and Jimmy attended the Ceramic Show at Ceramics in Oregon Sunday The Demonstrator was Phyllis Gericke of Art Craft Studio at Waterloo Iowa I ing the occasion being birthday I Mr and Mrs Clifford Morgan and son Tom spent Saturday evening at the Julius Christianson home in Big Spring Mrs Anna Coon spent Sunday with her mother Mrs Leah gan Dennis Coon from Deep Lake was also a caller i Bob Garbarski who is attending school in Madison is home on a weeks vacation Milford Morgan and Harold Wohlfert made a trip to Kau-kauna Monday Mr and Mrs Andy Lewis spent Saturday and Sunday in Oshkosh visiting at the home of there son James also visited at the home of Mr and Mrs Charles Cushman also in Oshkosh 1 Mary Kerezas was called to Chicago Saturday to see her son Ed who was very ill and was to have a serious operation Claude White is a patient in the Adams County Memorial Hospital Mr and Mrs Ronald Kopstien and three daughters from Wisconsin Rapids spent a few days last week at the Oliver Crane and Eugene Ritchey home Ethel Burgdorff has a birthday Jan 30th I Dalton Mr and Mrs Charles Cairns were Sunday afternoon visitors and supper guests at the home of Mrs Cairns mother Mrs Lena Steifner in Montello Later they visited at the Herbert Scharenberg Jr home where Donna was and the Gordon Beahm home where Denise was both rural Montello Sunday afternoon supper and evening guests at the home of Mr and Mrs George Hernkind were Mr and Mrs Herman Bei-er of Friesland and Mr and Mrs Ben West of Dalton Legal Notice NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS TOWN OF FORT WINNEBAGO I will be at the City Bank Thursday January 30 and every Thursday during February to collect taxes MABEL PFUEHLER Treas Jan 28 29 30 Feb 3 4 5 jc r- NOTICE TO BIDDERS The Village of Cambria Wisconsin Is calling for bids for the following: 1 Dual purpose Civil Defense and Fire Warning Siren 10 HP two tone 220 volts 60 cycle three phase per Civil Defense specification No 107 CD 1 107 size l-D-3 (110 DB) 1 Control panel for above Siren 1 Air Raid and Fire Warning Timer Sealed bids should be sent to Jennie Mae Jones Village Clerk Cambria Wisconsin and will be opened at 7:30 pm on March 3 1969 The Village of Cambria reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids Jan 23 30 Feb 6 1969 CLASSIFIED SECTION -1 ndexed- THE PORTAGE DAILY REGISTER Classified Display 2:00 pm Two Days Prior to Publication TO PLACE YOUR AD Dial 742-2111 WANT AD and CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Want Ad Rate Is Based On 15 Word Minimum CLASSIFIED DISPLAY per Inch $143 BLIND ADS with Instructions to answer by box number In care ol the Portage Dally Register 25c extra Blind ads confidential Want Ad Deadline 12:00 Noon Day Prior to Publication The Daily Register mnst be notified of any error in ad copy after the first publication of the ad Register liability for erroneous ad copy is limited to advertiser choice of refund of ad cost or rerunning of corrected ad at no charge THE PORTAGE DAILY REGISTER SUBSCRIPTION RATES Subscription by Carrier 40c week Subscriptions by Mall in Trade Area One Year Six Months $550 Months $300 All Other Areas In Wisconsin One Year $1200 Outside State: i $150 Per Month Employment Jobs of Interest Female 25 HOUSEKEEPING AIDE Part-time position $150 ner hour starting wage Contact Personnel Director Divine Savior Hospital lobs of Interest Male 28 COMMUNICATION CREW GROUND-MEN Assignment in Illinois Wisconsin and Iowa Permanent work Good wages Must be a high school craduate Write Het-trjck Communications Engineer Milwaukee Railroad' Room 356 Union Station Chicago Illinois 60606 or call collect: 312-CE-6- 7600 Ext 219 An Equal Opportunity Employer $18000 IS NOT TOO MUCH for man over 40 with car to tike short auto trips near Portage Air Mail Sears Pres American Lubricants Co Box 676 Day-- ton Ohio 45401 CARRIER NEEDED in Wyocena $1100 average weekly earnings Call Portage Dally Register 742-2111 collect Jobs of Interest Male 28 HELP WANTED: LUBRICATION MAN Auto hoist work Steady employment insurance program good working conditions experience preferred A Freltag Son Inc- Montello Wls WANTED: MAN Single or married to work on a hunting club familiar with bird dogs to feed and take care of dogs and a few horses Living quarters and all utilities furnished Call collect for interview Wlndv Acres Hunt Club Albert Bax Antioch Illinois g7 Male or Female INTERESTED- IN EARNING GOOD SPARETIME MONEY? The Portage Dally Register is seeking a news correspondent in the Poynette area Writing experience preferable though not necessary We will train Write Daryl Moen Box 470 Portage Dally Register Portage Wis 53901 Include your phone number MAN or WOMAN Dependable with dependable auto to work afternoons and every other weekend Good 'pay and allowance Apply MILWAUKEE JOURNAL AGENCY 206 Edgewater 742-4575 Real Estate Opportunity CAN YOU SELL? Your own full-time business Real Estate right in this area National company established in 1900 largest In Its field (Unlicensed? Write us) Training and instructions given in all phases of your operation from Start to Success All advertising all signs forms supplies are furnished Nationwide advertising brings Buyers from Every where- Can you qualify? You must have initiative excellent character (bond-able) sales ability 'be financially responsible Commission-volume -opportunity for man woman couple or team that CAN SELL Inquiries' from licensed brokers also invited Write today for information Include name address and phone number STROUT REALTY PO Box 2757 Springfield Missouri 65803 Situation Wanted Female Zi I DO BABYSITTING In my home 1 4 year old girl would like girl playmate Call 742-6585 Tivpstftfk Dogs Pets Supplies 43 NICE MALE Needs a good home farm preferred Tiger kittens Wisconsin Dells 254-7603 or 254-6854 REGISTERED GERMAN SHEPHERD FEMALE PUPS 3 months Reasonable to good home 587-2302 evenings and weekends 0- ITorses Cattle Stock 44 FOR SALE: HERD OF 28 HOL- STEINS 7 Springers 21 Just fresh or In heavy production 1100 lbs' daily Bank Finance available Rollie Stfenn Green-leaf Wls Phone 414-864-7851 FOR SALE OR LEASE Hereford I and Angus bulls serviceable ages i and size Portage Livestock Ex-I change 742-3795 Farm and Farm Impl Harness 50 A A MACHINERY SALE 3 HI ARCH 50 TRACTORS $950 00 up 1 MF STD 50 $110000 STD 50 WITH LOADER $147500 1 WD 45 ALLIS $115000 1 WD ALLIS 75000 No 44 775 00 JD No 60 87500 1 MM 302 1064 PROPANE $2850 00 INT 750 00 1MW 33 LOADER LIVE PTO 75000 10 OTHER TRACTORS Brady Tank Spreader 37500 10 GOOD USED PTO SPREADERS $10000 up 1 FEED GRINDER 1 INT T340 CAT DOZER OWATONNA 29 SWATH ERS SP SPECIAL PRICE ON THESE NEW MACHINES 165 180 1100 IFASED TRACTORS SAVE $200000 NEW HOLLAND HAY BINFS Save 30000 4 1968 OWATONNA MODEL 28 SWATH ERS Save 80000 I 1968 NEW HOLLAND 903 SWATFER Save 80000 l-MF 3'65 TRACTOR and LOADER Save $100000 NEW HOLLAND and OWATONNA GRINDER MIXERS Save $30000 GRINDER MIXER Demo 575 00 TRADE-IN OR SMALL down payment ON ABOVE MACHINES NO PAYMENT JUNE 1 1969 See Us For The Best Deals! GARAGE PARDEEVILLE WIS PHONE 429-2529 Farm Dairy Products 48 APPLES FOR SALE at the Green House 701 Edgewater All varieties Farm and Garden-Farm Impl Harness 50 McCORMICK Int Farm Equip Trucks 15 SpplikDCfl Von der Sump Dalton EX 5-2521 STILL AVAILABLE 68 Hydraulic Loaders $15 and up: 21 Snow Buckets $18 and up 4 PTO Snow Blowers $125 and up: 21 Rear Blades $45 and up 31 Snow Plows $18 and up Rebuilt and New Lakeside Farms at Harrlsville 608-296-2045 i NEW BULK MILK COOLERS Damaged In transit at a big savings Also used Bulk Milk Coolers We service what we sell by our own refrigeration department Dalrvland Refrigeration Equips ment 116 Dodge St Phone 742 4511 Uav Grain Feed 51 NEW LOW PRICE ON BIRD FEED AND SUNFLOWER SEED New feeds by Master Mix Dairy Feed Poultry Feed Horse Feed End Dog Food Cuff Feed Co FOR SALE: 5000 BALES OAT STRAW Poynette 635-2201 FOR SALE: BALED STRAW AND HAY Harold Wakerhauser Route 3 Portage Call after 5 pm 742-3909 Logs Posts Lumber FOR SALE: SEASON White Birch fireplace wood Call Montello 297-2418 Home and Business Articles for Sale 18 RUGS A SIGHT? COMPANY COMING? Clean them right with Blue Lustre Rent electric shampooer $1 Portage Store Co ALUMINUM SHEETS 34 in 23 In 007 Thick Used one time as Printing Plate Excellent for All Types of Repair Hobbles Weather-proofing Buildings 25c Each or 5 for a $1 100 Sheets $18 Portage Daily Reeister Furniture Rugs Linoleum 65 NEW MATTRESSES Vi price All sizes Furniture Seconds Junction City Wisconsin Open 9 to 9 daily Saturday 9 to 5 Phone 457-6454 THREE ROOMS OF FURNITURE $395 10 piece living room 8 piece bedroom 5 piece kitchen Free range Furniture Seconds Junction City Wisconsin Open 9 to 9 daily Saturday 9 to 5 Phone 457-6454 FOR SALE Beautiful Mahogany Drexel breakfront wide Please no phone calls Rose Murphy 120Sllfer St Garden Apartments Apartment 1 Guns Sporting Goods 66 FOR SALE: ICE FISHING SHANTY Call 742-4006 Televisions and Supplies 71 MOTOROLA TV For Sale In good condition Phone 742-2424 or 327 Conant St Sewing Machines NEW SEWINO MACHINES Necchl New Home Elna Bernina Nelco and Singer Sewing Center 143 Cook St Portage Wls Specials at the Stores 76 BTRD FEEDERS Wild bird feed Sunflower seeds rabbit pellets pigeon checkers dog and cat feeds Sunnyslde Feed Mill Phone 742-2535 Real Estate For Sale- Houses For Sale 105 MURPHY REAL ESTATE 505 W' CARROLL ST PORTAGE WIS PHONE 742-6191 JUST SOLD VAN DER PERREN HOME FOR SALE Attractive Bi-level 3 bedroom carpeted home 2 baths utility rqom fire place built-in range and oven garbage disposal rooms all paneled city utilities on lake In Pardeeville 2 bedroom modern home on 2 acres on Hwy 22 and Bash Road south Pardeeville 4 bedroom clean home with garage and work shop on Lawrence St In Westfield 3 bedroom: nice well kept home garage large lot nicely located In Endeavor 22 "acres of wooded land 4 mile from Big Slough 6 miles out Many nice building sites In an excellent hunting area Approx 100 acres: 30 acres open land in one of the best hunting areas in this part of the state 2 acre building site In town of Lewiston 120 acre farm 5 miles out Large home gas furnace modem bam with cleaner silos 3 corn cribs 1 machine shed 2 hog houses well fenced 77 acres with beautiful 3 bedroom home fireplace paneled carpeted living room 2 baths lovely kitchen with bullt-lns Air conditioner 1 in furnace 2 miles out in good hunting area 170 acres 145 work land 26x100 bam and silo well fenced no house One acre building sites in Fort Winnebago: 1 acre off highway 18 Reasonable 60x 120 Choice building lot on Pleasant St 2 wooded lots on Co Trunk near Portage 9 wooded lots near Lake Wisconsin 90 acre farm 60 acres workland 3 bedroom modern home bam other buildings on black top highway 6 miles out 7 room and 2 baths home near town on Edgewater needs some work Priced In accordance FOR QUICK RESULTS Call us if you plan on selling this Spring Buyers are contacting us dally and we need homes In all price ranges as well as farms and Notice WHEEL CHAIRS Walkers crutch -es for sale or rent Also for sale' trusses support belts and hcwlerv sick room aides Graham Drue Co Portage ij PHONE FOR HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR WOOL 414-326-5492 IF CARPETS LOOK DULL AND DREAR Remove the spots as they appear with Blue Lustre Rent electric shampooer $1 Som-- mers Hardware Store Portage Services Beverages LIQUOR SPECIALS Blended Whiskey Qt $469: Gin $337 Fifth Speck's Bar on the levee EXCLUSIVE DEALER FOR POTOSI BEER $259 case Liquor Pets Lost and Found 4A FOR INFORMATION ON RECLAIMING OR ADOPTING THESE PETS CALL 742-2208 11 Young Female Dog Black Brown White Mostly Collie Good disposition Beautifully marked 13 Gray Female Kitten about 8 months old Short hair friendly Personals REDUCE SAFE SIMPLE AND FAST with GoBese tablets Only 98c Service Drug Store For a well feeling clean carpets with Blue' Lustre Rent elec shampooer $1 Schultz Bros Transportation RIDERS WANTED on A shift (swing shift) to Badger Ordnance Phone 742-2554 Beauty Parlors 12 LETHA WELCOME BACK TO WORK Rux Beauty Shop Ram Hotel building Portage Wls Phone 742-2767 OF PARIS Permanent Wave White Velvet or Suffrage only $1095 Conditioner or rinse included at -no extra charge with either perm Beauty Salon 742-3474 Services Offered 15 ALUMINUM WINDOWS DOORS ROOFING SIDING AWN- INGS PORTAGE AWNING AND ALUMINUM PRODUCTS CO 333 EMMETT ST TEL 742-2672 ROOFING STDING INSULATION COMBINATION DOORS and WINDOWS Free estimates Quality Roofing and Siding Co 224 Plensant Portage 742-3641 LICENSED BONDED SEPTIC TANK AND DRY WELL CLEANING Robert Benson Route 3 Portage Wls 742-2365 Nt A CARPENTRY AND ROOFING Hilary Statz Endeavor Wls Phone Briggsvllle 4030 INSULATION BLOWN-IN Eliminate ice bulld-up on roof edge Renew old settled fill In attic with Mineral wool Phone 742-6961 Hllmer Raimer and Sons CHAIN SAWS Homellte Pioneer and Remington Many models to choose from as small as 9 lbs Large selection of used saws Sales Service Jet Hwys 33 44 Pardeeville Open Dally Eves: Mon Wed Frl Lawnmowers Garden Equip 16 JOHN DEERE 60 LAWN TRACTOR 6 hp 6 forward speed and reverse triple-safe 12 volt starting system cushioned adjustable seat and shielded drives 34" mower Wagner Impl Co No Portage cn Highway 51 Painting Decoration EXPERIENCED EFFICIENT PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER All types paper Call Cambria 348-5741 NOTICE Wisconsin Fair Employment-Law prohibits discrimination In employment because of sex except the nature of the work or working conditions provide valid reasons for hiring only men or Help Wanted advertisem*nts are arranged for the convenience of readers Read the offerings In both the MALE and FEMALE classifications for Jobs requiring your qualifications Ennlovment Jobs of Interest Female 25 WANTED: GIRL FOR OFFICE WORK Typing and shorthand a necessity and must be able to take dictation Some bookkeeping required Permanent position for the right party Pleasant working conditions Write Box 239 Portage Dally Register EXPERIENCED Wanted at Portage Cafe WANTED: RELIABLE WOMAN to care for pre-school children Must live In Phone Cambria 414-'348-5728 after 5 pm WAITRESS WANTED 5 day 40 hour week Starting pay $160 per hour Meal allowance employees purchase discount paid vacation Apply in person Woolworth Co SECRETARY FOR DOWNTOWN PORTAGE OFFICE Requires dictation typing filing and bookkeeping abilities This is a permanent position for an experienced person Excellent work lng conditions and pay Write stating qualifications and experience to Box 242 Pprtage Daily Register BABYSITTER WANTED to come to house and watch 10 month old baby girl Days 742-6816 WANTED: BABYSITTER In home for 2 etris Age 6 and 3 Phone 742-2477 i MEDICAL RECORDS Must be able to tvpe and be familiar with medical terms fuU time position Contact Personnel Director Divine Savior Hospital i I Card of WEGNER I wish to thank every- one for the cards letters gifts and telephone calls sent to me during my stay In the hospital Also a very special thanks to the staff on the third floor and all those who visited me Elmer Wegner.

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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Author information

Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

Phone: +2983088926881

Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.