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CLINICAL TOXICOLOGY 14 (4),pp. 407-432 ( 1979)
Alcohol Content of Liquid Medicinals*
NATALIE C. PETRONI School of Pharmacy University of Connecticut; Connecticut Poison Information Center Farmington, Connecticut 06032 ALEX A. CARDONI School of Pharmacy University of Connecticut; Drug Information Service Connecticut Poison Information Center; Department of Pharmacy School of P h a r m a c y University of Connecticut Health Center Farmington, Connecticut 06032
Liquid o r a l preparations, popular dosage f o r m s for administering medications, are especially convenient f o r u s e in children and o l d e r patients who may have difficulty swallowing tablets and capsules. However, many o r a l liquid pharmaceuticals contain varying amounts of alcohol which is usually undesirable f o r most patients and particularly s o f o r the alcoholic patient. The Drug Information Center of the University of Connecticut School of Pharmacy, the University of Connecticut Health Center, and the Con-
*Reprinted, with permission, f r o m Drug Therapy, Volume 8, January 1978. 407 Copyright 0 1979 hy Marcel Dekker. Inc. All Rights Reserved. Neither this work nor any part may he reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying. microfilming. and recording. or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.
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necticut Poison Information Center continue to receive many inquiries from health professionals and the public regarding the alcohol content of both prescription and nonprescription liquid medicinals. In response to this need, a list of liquid medicinals and their alcohol content was originally compiled and published in Drug Therapy (October 1976). The updated information presented in the accompanying table l i st s liquid medicinals according to therapeutic categories and alphabetically by brand name within each category. Alcohol-free products are a l so readily identifiable under each therapeutic category. This feature is particularly valuable in developing safe, effective treatment for alcoholic patients. Although some of the products listed in the table may have been discontinued, they are included because they may still be available in some areas. In using the table, all brands listed under the therapeutic categories require a prescription unless they are flagged by a superscript numeral I' 1" (nonprescription products) o r "2" f preparations listed under Schedule V of the Controlled Substances Act of 1970). Under federal law, only a limited quantity of Schedule V preparations can be obtained without a prescription. However, s ome s tates have m o r e stringent laws preventing sale without a prescription. Superscript "3" indicates the product has been discontinued. The table provides a handy reference f or physicians to use before prescribing liquid medications (so that significant amounts of alcohol are not unknowingly ingested by the patient along with the active drug) and for pharmacists to consult before recommending nonprescription preparations. It is also important f or identifying potential drug-alcohol interactions, such as those reported with disulfiram (Antabuse), chlorpropamide (Diabinese), and metronidazole ( Flagyl). TABLE 1. Alcohol Content of Liquid Medicinals Brand name (Manufacturer)
Alcohol %
ANALGESICS Alysine Elixir' (Merrell-National) Arthropan Liquid' (Purdue-Frederick) Cen-Apap Elixir' (Central) Darvon-N Suspension (Lilly) Demerol Elixir (Winthrop) Dilaudid Cough Syrup (Knoll) Dolanex Elixir' (Lannett) Dularin Syrup' (Dooner) Febridol Elixir' (Amid) G-Lixir ( Palmedico)
10.0 None 10.0 None None
5.0 23.0 1.0 10.0 10.0
Alcohol %
Brand name (Manufacturer)
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ANALGESICS (continued) Liquiprin Drops' (Norcliff Thayer) Lyteca Syrup' (Westerfield) N A P A P w/Codeine Elixir (Robinson) Nebs Elixir' (Eaton) Proval Elixir' (Reid-Provident) Pyrilgin Liquid' (Savage) Sedapap (Mayrand) SK-APAP Elixir' (SKF) St. Joseph Fever Reducer for Children Drops (Plough) St. Joseph Fever Reducer f o r Children Elixir' (Plough) Tapar Elixir' ( Parke-Davis) Temlo Syrup' (Hyrex-Key) Tempra Drops' (Mead Johnson) Tempra Syrup' (Mead Johnson) Tenlap Elixir' (Dow) Tylenol Drops' (McNeil) Tylenol Liquid' (McNeil) Tylenol w/Codeine Elixir (McNeil) Valadol Liquid' (Squibb)
None 10.0 7.0 7.0 10.0 None 12.0 8.0 9.5
7.0 7.0 10.0
10.0 10.0
10.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 9.0
ANTACIDS Aludrox Suspension' (Wyeth) Alurex Suspension' (Rexall) Aluscop Suspension' (0' Neal, Jones & Feldman) Amphojel Suspension (Wyeth) A-M-T Suspension (Wyeth) Basaljel Suspension' (Wyeth) Basaljel Extra Strength Suspension' (Wyeth) Camalox Suspension' ( R o r e r ) Citrocarbonate Suspension' ( Upjohn) Creamalin Liquid' ( Winthrop) Delcid Suspension' ( Merrell-National) Di-Gel Suspension' (Plough) Estomul-M Suspension' (Riker) Gelusil Falvor-Pack' (Warner- Chilcott) Gelusil Liquid' (Warner- Chilcott) Gelusil-M Liquid' (Warner- Chilcott) Kessadrox Suspension' (McKesson) Kolantyl Gel' (Merrell-National)
None None None None None 0.7 0.7 None None None None None None None None None None None (continued)
4 If)
TABLE 1 (continued) Brand name (Manufacturer)
Alcohol %
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ANTACIDS (continued) Kudrox Suspension' ( Kr emer s - Urban) Liquid Antacid Sus ension' (McKesson) Maalox SuspensionP ( R or er ) Maalox Plus Sus ension' ( R o r e r ) Magnagel LiquidP (Mallard) Magnatril Suspension' (Lannett) Magnesia and Alumina Oral Suspension' (Philips-Roxane) Malcogel Liquid' (Upjohn) Marblen Suspension" ( Fleming) Maxamag Suspension' (Vitarine) Milk of Magnesia' (Various m f r s ) Mint-0-mag Suspension' (Squibb) Mylanta Liquid' (Stuart) Mylanta-I1 Liquid' (Stuart) Nephrox Suspension (Fleming) Neutracamp Liquid (Warner-Chilcott) Nutrajel Suspension' (Cenci) Nutramag Suspension' (Cenci) Oxaine S u ~ p e n s i o n " (Wyeth) ~ Oxaine M Suspension' (Wyeth) Phosphaljel Suspension (Wyeth) Riopan Plus Liquid' (Ayerst) Riopan Suspension' (Ayerst) Silain-Gel Liquid' (Robins) Ticreamalate Liquid' ( Winthrop) Titralac Liquid' (Riker) Tralmag Suspension (0' Neal, Jones & Feldman) Trisogel Liquid' (Lilly) Win Gel Liquid' (Winthrop)
None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None
ANTIASTHMATICS Aerolate Elixir (Fleming) Airet Liquid (Baylor) Aladrine Liquid (Merit) Alupent Syrup (Boehringer-Ingelheim) Asbron Elixir (Dorsey) Asbron G. Elixir (Dorsey) Asma Syrup (Coastal) Ayr Liquid (Ascher)
10.0 None None None 15.0 15.0 15.0 20.0 (continued)
TABLE 1 (continued) Brand name (Manufacturer)
Alcohol %
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ANTIASTHMATICS (continued) Broncholate Elixir (Bock) Brondecon Elixir (Warner-Chilcott) Bronkodyl Elixir (Breon) Bronkolixir (Breon) Choledyl Elixir ( Warner-Chilcott) Co-Xan Elixir' (Central) Dilor Elixir (Savage) Dilor G. Liquid (Savage) Elixodyne Elixir (Lemmon) Elixophyllin Elixir (Cooper) Elixophyllin Pediatric Suspension (Cooper) Elixophyllin-Kl Elixir (Cooper) Embron Syrup (Amid) Emfaseem Liquid (Saron) Ephedrine Sulfate Syrup (Various m f r s ) G-Bron Elixir ( L a s e r ) Glynazan Elixir ( F i r s t Texas) Isuprel Compound Elixir (Winthrop) KIE Syrup ( L a s e r ) Kisol Syrup ( L a s e r ) Lanophyllin Elixir (Lannett) Lixaminol Elixir (Ferndale) Lixaminol AT Liquid (Ferndale) Lufyllin Elixir (Mallinckrodt) Lufyllin EPG Elixir (Mallinckrodt) Lufyllin GG Elixir (Mallinckrodt) Marax Syrup (Roerig) Marax D F Syrup (Roerig) Metaprel Syrup (Dorsey) Mini-Lix Elixir (Ferndale) Mudrane GG Elixir (Poythress) Neothylline Elixir (Lemmon) Neothylline-G Elixir (Lemmon) Norisodrine w/Calcium Iodide Syrup (Abbott ) Orthoxine HC1 Syrup (Upjohn) Penophylline Forte Elixir (Panray) Pima Syrup (Fleming) Quadrinal Suspension (Knoll) Quibron Elixir (Mead Johnson) Quibron Plus Elixir (Mead Johnaon)
17.0 20.0 20.0 19.0 20.0 10.0 18.0 None 10.0 20.0 None 10.0 5.0 None None 5.0 15.0 19.0 None None 20.0 20.0 30.0 20.0 5.5 17.0 5.0 5.0 None 20.0 20.0 18.0 20.0 6.0
(0.1 20.0 None None 15.0 15.0 (continued)
TABLE 1 (continued) Brand name (Manufacturer)
Alcohol %
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ANTIASTHMATICS (continued) Slo-Phyllin GG Syrup (Dooner) Slo-Phyllin 80 Syrup (Dooner) Somophyllin Oral Liquid (Fisons) Synophylate Elixir (Central) Synophylate-GG Syrup (Central) Tedral Elixir' ( Warner-Chilcott) Tedral Suspension' (Warner-Chilcott) Tega-Bron Elixir (Ortega) Theofort Elixir (Amfre-Grant) TheoGuaia Liquid (Sutliff & Case) Theokin Elixir (Knoll) Theo-lix Elixir (Vale) Theolixir (Ulmer) Theoline (Kay Pharmacal) Theon Elixir (Bock) Theo-Organidin Elixir (Wallace) Theophyl-225 Elixir (Knoll) Theophylline Elixir (Various m f r s ) Theospan Syrup ( L a s e r ) Theo-I1 Elixir (Fleming) TSG-KI Elixir ( E lder ) Verequad Suspension' (Knoll)
None None None 20.0 10.0 15.0 None 20.0 20.0 20.0 9.5 20.0 20.0 20.0 28.0 15.0 5.0 20.0 1.0 10.0 15.0 None
ANTICONVULSANTS Dilantin-30 Pediatric, Oral Suspension ( Parke-Davis) Dilantin- 125, Oral Suspension ( Parke-Davis) Milontin Suspension ( Parke-Davis) Mysoline Suspension (Ayerst) Paradione Solution (Abbott) Phenobarbital Elixir (Various m f r s ) Tridione Solution (Abbott) Zarontin Syrup ( Parke-Davis)
None None None None 65.0 14.0 None None
ANTIDIARRHEALS Bisalid Suspension' (Central) Corrective Mixture' (Beecham) Corrective Mixture with Paregoric' (Beecham) Diabismul Suspepsion' (0' Neal, Jones & Feldman) Dia-@el Liquid (International Pharmaceutical)
None 1.5 2.0 None 10.0 ~~
Alcohol %
Brand name (Manufacturer)
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3.8 5.0
Donnagel Suspension' (Robins) Donnagel-PG Suspension' (Robins) Infantol Pink Liquid' ( F i r s t Texas) Kaolin- Pectin Suspension' ( Philips-Roxane) Kaomagma Suspension'*s (Wyeth) Kaopectate Suspension' ( Upjohn) Kaopectate Concentrate Suspension' ( Upjohn) Kenpectin-P Liquid' (Kenwood) Lomotil Liquid' (Searle) Mul- Sed Liquid ' (Webcon) Pabizol with Paregoric' (Rexall) Parelixir Liquid' ( Purdue- Frederick) Parepectolin Suspension' ( R or er ) Pargel Suspension' ( Parke-Davis) Pectocel Suspension' (Lilly) Pektamalt Liquid' ( Warren-Teed) Pepto-Bismol Suspension' (Norwich) Polymagma Plain Suspension'" (Wyeth) Quintess Suspension' (Lilly)
None None None None None 15.0 10.4 8.0 18.0 0.7
None None None None None
ANTIMICROBIALS Achromycin V Pediatric Drops ( L eder le ) Achromycin V Syrup (Lederle) Albamycin Syrup (Upjohn) Anspor Oral Suspension (SKF) Antepar Syrup (Burroughs-Wellcome) Antiminth Oral Suspension (Roerig) Azotrex Syrup (Bristol) Bactrim O ral Suspension (Roche) Bicillin Suspension (Wyeth) Cherasulfa Suspension (Sutliff & Case) Chloromycetin Palmitate Oral Suspension ( Parke-Davis) Cleocin Pediatric Suspension (Upjohn) Coco-Diazine Oral Suspension (Lilly) Coco-Quinine Suspension (Lilly ) Coly-Mycin S Oral Suspension (Warner-Chilcott) Declomycin Pediatric Drops ( L eder le) Declomycin Syrup (Lederle) Declostatin Suspension (Lederle)
None None 1.0
None None None None
0.3 None None None None 5.0
4.0 None None None None
TABLE 1 (continued) Brand name (Manufacturer)
Alcohol %
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ANTIMICROBIALS (continued) Doxychel Oral Suspension (Rachelle) Doxy-II Suspension (USV) E.E.S. Drops (Abbott) E. E. S. 200 Liquid Suspension (Abbott) E. E. S. 400 Liquid Suspension (Abbott) Erythrocin Oral Suspension (Abbott) f i radant i n Oral Suspension (Eaton) Furoxone Liquid (Eaton) Gantanol Oral Suspension (Roche) Gantrisin Pediatric Drops (Roche) Gantrisin Syrup (Roche) Gelazine Suspension (Mallard) Grifulvin V Oral Suspension (McNeil) Humatin Syrup ( Parke-Davis) Ilosone Liquid 125 Suspension (Dista) Ilosone Liquid 250 Suspension (Dista) Ilosone Ready-Mixed Drops (Dista) Keflex Oral Suspension (Lilly) Keflex Pediatric Drops (Lilly) Kesso-Tetra Syrup (McKesson) Lincocin Syrup (Upjohn) Lip0 Gantrisin Emulsion (Roche) Mandelamine Oral Suspension (Warner- Childott) Methenamine Mandelate Suspension F o r t e (Various mfrs) Midicel Oral Suspension (Parke-Davis) Minocin Syrup (Lederle) Mintezol Oral Suspension (MSD) Multifuge Syrup (Blue Line) Mycifradin Sulfate Oral Solution (Upjohn) Mysteclin-F Pediatric Drops (Squibb) Mysteclin- F Syrup (Squibb) NegGram Suspension (Winthrop) Neotrizine Suspension (Lilly) Nydrazid Syrup (Squibb) Panmycin Aqua Drops (Upjohn) Panmycin Syrup (Upjohn) Pediamycin Drops (Ross) Pediamycin Liquid Suspension (Ross) Pediamycin 400 Suspension (Ross) Penicillin V Liquid (Various m f r s )
None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None 5.0
None None None None None None None None None None None None None None
TABLE 1 (continued) Brand name (Manufacturer)
Alcohol %
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ANTIMICROBIALS (continued) Piperazine Syrup (Various m f r s ) Povan Suspension (Parke-Davis) Proklar-M Oral Suspension (Westerfield) Proklar Syrup (Westerfield) Quad-Ramoid Suspension ( E l d e r ) Retet-S Syrup (Reid-Provident) Robitet Syrup (Robins) Rondomycin Suspension (Wallace) Septra O r a l Suspension (Burroughs- Wellcome) SK-Tetracycline Syrup (SKF) Sulfaloid Suspension (0' Neal, Jones & Feldman) Sulfonamides Duplex Suspension (Lilly) Sulfose Suspension (Wyeth) Sul-V Suspension (Rucker) Sumycin Syrup (Squibb) Symmetrel $rup (Endo) T- 125 Syrup (Elder) TAO Oral Suspension (Roerig) Terfonyl Suspension (Squibb) Terramycin Syrup3 ( P f i z e r ) Tetrachel-S Pediatric Drops3 (Rachelle) Tetrachel-S Syrup (Rachelle) Tetracycline Syrup (Various m f r s ) Tetracyn Syrup (Pfipharmecs) Tetrex- S Syrup (Bristol) Thiosulfil Suspension (Ayerst) Triple Sulfa Suspension (Various m f r s ) T r i s e m Suspension (Beecham) Trisureid Suspension (Reid-Provident) Vectrin Syrup (Parke-Davis) Velosef Oral Suspension (Squibb) Vibramycin Syrup ( P f i z e r ) ANTISPASMODICS Anaspaz Liquid (Ascher) Anaspaz P B Liquid (Ascher) Barbidonna Elixir (Mallinckrodt) Bar-Don Elixir (Warren-Teed) Bentyl Syrup (Merrell-National)
None None None
10.0 5.0 None None None 0.3
1.0 None 3.0 None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None
5.0 None None
15.0 15.0 15.0 18.0 None (continued)
TABLE 1 (continued) Brand name (Manufacturer)
Alcohol %I
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ANTISPASMODICS (continued) Bentyl P B Syrup (Merrell-National) Butabell HMB Elixir (Saron) Butibel Elixir (McNeil) Corrective Mixture Plain' ( Beecham-Massengill) Corrective Mixture w/Paregoric ' ( Beecham-Massengill) Dippas Liquid (Savage) Donna-Phenal Elixir (Columbia Medical) Donnatol Elixir (Robins) Eldonal Elixir ( Canright) Hybephen Elixir (Beecham) Levsin Elixir (Kremers- Urban) Levsin Phenobarbital Elixir ( Kr emer s - Urban) Nembu-Donna Elixir (Abbott) Neurosine Liquid (Walker Pharmacal) Novatrin (Ayerst) Orprine Elixir (Pennwalt) Pamine P B Drops ( Upjohn) Pamine P B Elixir (Upjohn) Pedo-Sol Elixir (Bock) Sedatole' (MSD) Sedralex Elixir (Kay Pharmacal) Spalix Elixir (Reid-Provident) Spaz Elixir (Corvit) Zemarine Elixir ( Z emmer )
19.0 23.0 7.0 1.5 2.0 5.0 None 23.0 None 16.5 5.0 5.0 18.0 4.0 None 8.0 20.0 20.0 23.0 6.0 23.0 23.0 23.0 7.0
CARDIOVASCULAR/DIURETIC Digitaline Nativelle Oral Solution (Savage) Digitalis Tincture (Various m f r s ) Diuril Oral Suspension (MSD) Geriliquid (Key Pharmaceuticals) Glyrol (Smith, Miller & Patch) Lanoxin Pediatric Elixir ( Burroughs- Wellcome) Lapav Elixir (Amfre-Grant) Lasix Oral Solution (Hoechst-Roussel) Osmoglyn (Alcon) Reserpoid Elixir (Upjohn) Roniacol Elixir ( Roche) Serpasil Elixir (Ciba)
50.0 73.0 None 5.0 None 10.0 10.0 None None 14.0 None 12.0 (continued)
TABLE 1 (continued) Brand name (Manufacturer)
Alcohol %
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COLD/A L L ERGY Benadryl Elixir (Parke- Davis) Clistin Elixir (McNeil) Copavin Compound Elixir (Lilly) Co-Tylenol Liquid ( M c N e i l ) Covanamine Liquid (Mallinckrodt) Decapryn Syrup (Merrell-National) Demazin Syru (Schering) D- Feda Syrup (Dooner ) Dimetane Elixir (Robins) Dimetapp Elixir (Robins) Fedahist Syrup' (Dooner) Histadyl Fumarate Syrup (Lilly) Neo-Synephrine Elixir' (Winthrop) Novafed Liquid' (Dow) Novafed A Liquid' (Dow) Novahistine Elixir' (Dow) Ornacol Liquid (SKF) Partapp Elixir ( P a r m e d ) Phenergan Syrup (Wyeth) Phenergan Syrup F o r t i s (Wyeth) Poly-Histine Elixir (Bock) Propadrine Elixir' (MSD) Pyribenzamine Elixir (Ciba) Rohydra Elixir (Robinson) SK-Diphenhydramine' (SKF) Sudadrine Syrup' (Bock) Sudafed Syrup' ( Burroughs-Wellcome) Temaril Syrup (SKF) Triaminic Oral Infant Drops' (Dorsey) Triaminic Syrup' (Dorsey) Ventilade Syrup' (Warren-Teed)
14.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 None None
7.5 None
2.3 2.3 None
5.0 8.0 7.5 5.0 5.0 8.0 2.3 1.5 1.5 4.0 16.0 12.0 14.0 14.5 None None
5.7 None None
COUGH PREPARATIONS Actifed- C Expectorant (Burroughs-Wellcome) Actol Expectorant Syrup' ( Beecham) Acutuss Expectorant w/Codeine ( Philips-Roxane) Adatuss Cough Syrup (Merchant) Alamine Expectorant (North American)
12.5 5.0 5.0 5.0 (continued)
418 TABLE 1 (continued)
Alcohol %I
Brand name (Manufacturer) COUGH PREPARATIONS (continued) Alamine Liquid' (North American) Alamine C Liquid' (North American) Ambenyl Expectorant ( Parke-Davis) Amolate Cough Syrup' (Mallard) Anatuss Syrup' (Mayrand) Atussin DM Expectorant' (Amfre-Grant) Axon Children' s Cough Medicine' (McKesson) Baby Cough Syrup' (DeWitt) Bax Expectorant (McKesson) Benylin Cough Syrup' (Parke-Davis) Breacol' (Glenbrook) Broncho-Tussin' ( Fir s t Texas) Calcidrine Syrup (Abbott) Cerose Compound Liquid' (Ives) Cerose DM Expectorant' (Ives) Cetro Cirose Liquid' (Ives) Cheracol Syrup' (Upjohn) Cheracol-D Cough Syrup' (Upjohn) Chlor- Trimeton Expectorant (Schering Chlor-Trimeton Expectorant w/Codeine (Schering) Cidicol Cou h Formula Liquid' (Upjohn) Citra Syrup8 (Boyle) Citra For t e Syrup' (Boyle) Clistin Expectorant (McNeil) Codalex Cough Syrup' (Mallard) Codimal DH Syrupa (Central) Codimal DM Syrup' \Central) Codimal Expectorant (Central) Codimal PH Liqyid' (Central) Coditrate Syrup (Central) Coldene Adult Cough Formula' (Pharmacraft) Coldene Cough Formula (Children)' ( Pharmacraft) Colrex Compound Elixir (Rowell) Colrex Expectorant' (Rowell) Colrex Syrup' (Rowell) Conar Expectorant' (Beecham) Conar Suspension' (Beecham) Conar A Syrup' (Beecham) Conex Liquid (O'Neal, Jones & Feldman) Conex with Codeine Liquid' (0' Neal, Jones & Feldman)
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5.0 5.0 5.0 None 12.0 None 4.0 None 5.0 5.0 10.0 40.0 6.0 2.5 2.5 1.5 3.0 3.0 1.0 5.3 5.0 2.0 2.0 None None 1.0 4.0 None 1.0 None 15.0 3.0 9.5 4.7 4.5 5.0 5.0 None None None
TABLE 1 (continued) Brand name (Manufacturer)
Alcohol %
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COUGH PREPARATIONS (continued) Congesprin Syrup for Children' (Bristol-Myers) Consotuss Antitussive Syrup' ( Merrell-National) Cophene XP Syrup (Dunhall) Coricidin Cough Formula Syrup' (Schering) Coryban D Cough Syrup' (Pfipharmecs) Cosanyl Cough Syrup' (Parke-Davis) Cosanyl DM Cough Syrup' (Parke-Davis) Cotussis Cough Syrup' (Merrell-National) Creomulsion ( Creomulsion) Creo-Terpin (Roberts) Day C are Liquid' (Vick) Dextromal Cough Syrup (Mallard) Dextro-Tussin Syrup' (Ulmer) Diabetussin Liquid' (Research Pharmacal) Dilaudid Cou$h Syrup (Knoll) Dilocol Syrup (Bell) Dimetane Expectorant (Robins) Dimetane Expectorant-DC2 (Robins) Dimocol Liquid' (Robins) Diphenhydramine HC1 Expectorant (Lederle) DM-4 Children's Cough Control' (DeWitt) DM-8 Syrup' (De Witt) DM Pl us Cough Syrup' (Westward) Donatussin Drops ( L a s e r ) Donatussin Syrup ( L a s e r ) Dorcol Pediatric Cough Syrup' (Dorsey) Dr. Drakes Cough Syrup' (Roberts) Dristan Liquid' (Whitehall) Efo-Tussin Jr. Cough Syrup' (Fougera) Efricon Syrup' (Lannett) Endotussin C Syrup' (Endo) Endotussin-" Syrup' (Endo) Endotussin-" Pediatric Liquid' ( Endo) Entex Liquid (Baylor) Ephed-Organidin Elixir (Wallace) Ephedrol w/Codeine Liquid (Lilly) Expectran DM Syrup' ( R os s ) Expectrosed Syrup' (Mallard) Fedahist Expectorant' (Dooner) Fedahist-C Expectorant' (Dooner)
None 10.0 None
< 1.0
7.5 6.0 6.0 20.0 1.0 25.0 7.5
None None None 5.0 5.0 3.5 3.5
4.8 5.0 1.5 3.0 3.5
None None 5.0
None 12.0
None None None None None 5.0
15.0 3.0 1.3
None None None (continued)
TABLE 1 (continued) Brand name (Manufacturer)
Alcohol %
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COUGH PREPARATIONS (continued) Fenylex Cough Syrup (Mallard) FL Tussex Cough Syrup' (Ferndale) Formula 44-D' (Vick) Four Green Syryp' (Mallard) Four Red Srrup (Mallard) 2/G Liquid (Dow ) 2/G-DM Liquid' (Dow) G-Tussin Syru (Columbia Medical) GG-Cen Syrup (Fentral) GG-Tussin Syrup (Vitarine) Glycotuss Syrup (Vale) Glycotuss DM Syrup' (Vale) Guaiatussin Syrup' (Robinson) Halls Cough Syrup' ( Warner-Lambert) Histadyl E.C. Syrup' (Lilly) Histalet DM Syrup (Reid-Provident) Histavita-D Syrup' (Vitarine) Hycodan Syrup (Endo) Hycoff Cough Syrup (Saron) Hycoff A Cough Syrup (Saron) Hycoff-X Expectorant (Saron) Hycomine Pediatric Syrup (Endo) Hycomine Syrup (Endo) Hycotuss Expectorant (Endo) Hydriodic Acid Syrup' (Lilly, Upjohn) Ipsatol Syrup' (Key Pharmaceuticals ) Ipsatol DM Cough Syrup' (Key Pharmaceuticals) Isoclor Expectorant' (Arnar-Stone) Kiddie- Cough Syrup ( L a s e r ) Kiddies Pediatric Syrup' (Vitarine) KIE Syrup ( L a s e r ) Lanatuss Expectorant' (Lannett) Mallergan Expectorant w/Codeine ( y a l l a r d ) Mallergan VC Expectorant w/Codeine (Mallard) Malotuss Syrup' (Mallard) Marhist Expectorant (Marlop) Mercodol w/Decapryn Syrup (Merrell-National) Minituss Cough Syrup' ( L a s e r ) Naldetuss Syrup' (Bristol) Neo-Codenyl-M Syrup' (Westerfield)
None 3.5 10.0 None None 3.5 5.0 None 10.0 3.5 None None 3.5 22.0 5.0 None 4.8 None None None None None None 10.0 None None None None 5.0 2.0 None None 7.0 7.0 None 5.0 5.0 5.0 None None (continued)
ALCOHOL CONTENT OF LIQUID MEDICINALS TABLE 1 (continued) Brand name (Manufacturer)
Alcohol %
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COUGH PREPARATIONS (continued) Nilcol Elixir (Warner- Chilcott) Noratuss Syrup' (North American) Noratussin Syrup (North American) Norisodrine w/Calcium Iodide Syrup (Abbott) Novahistine DH Liquid' (Dow) Novahistine DMX Liquid' (Dow) Novahistine Elixir' (Do?) Novahistine Expectorant (Dow) Novrad Oral Suspension (Lilly) Nyquil' (Vick) Omni-Tuss suspension' (Pennwalt) Organidin Elixir (Wallace) Orgaphen Elixir (Wallace) Ornacol Liquid' (SKF) Orthoxicol Cough Syru~)' (Upjohn) Pediacof Cough Syrup (Winthrop) Pediaquil Syrup' ( Philips-Roxane) Pedituss Liquid (Sutliff & Case) Penetro Syrup (Plough) Pertussin 8-Hour Liquid' (Chesebrough- Pond) Pertussin Wild Berry Liquid' ( Chesebrough-Pond) Phenacol-DM Syrup (Ferndale) Phenergan Expectorant Pediatric w/Dextromethorphan ( Wyeth 1 Phenergan Expectorant Plain (Wyezth) Phenergan Expectorant w/Codeine (Wyeth) Phenergan VC Expectorant Plain (Wyeth) Phenergan VC Expectorant w/Codeine' (Wyeth) Pi m a Syrup (Fleming) Pinex Concentrate' (Pinex) Pinex Regular Syrup (Pinex) Pineutuss-DM Syrup ( E lder ) P-M- Z HC1 Expectorant Plain (Suiliff & Case) P-M- Z HCl Expectorant w/Codeine (Sutliff & Case) Polaramine Expectorant LSchering) Poly-Histine Expectorant (Bock) P.R. Syrup (Fleming) Promethazine HC1 Expectorant Plain (Ledfrle) Promethazine HC1 Expectorant w/Codeine (+ederle) Promethazine HC1 VC Expectorant w/Codeine ( L e d e r l e )
10.0 None
3.5 6.0 5.0 10.0 5.0 5.0 None 25.0 None 24.0 7.0 8.0 None 5.0 None 15.0 10.0 9.5 8.5 5.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 None None None 5.0 7.0 7.0 7.2 None None 7.0 7.0 7.0
TABLE 1 (continued)
Clinical Toxicology Downloaded from by McMaster University on 12/28/14 For personal use only.
Brand name (Manufacturer)
Alcohol %
COUGH PREPARATIONS (continued) Promex Liquid (Lemmon) Prunicodeine Liquid' (Lilly) Pyraldine No. 2 Expectorant' (Mallinckrodt) Pyraldine Pediatric Syrup (Mallinckrodt) Pyribenzamine Expectorant w/Codeine and Ephedrine' (Ciba) Pyribenzamine Expectorant w/Ephedrine (Ciba) Quelidrine Syrup' (Abbott) Queltuss Liquid (Westerfield) Quiet-Nite Syrup' (Rexall) Rem Syrup' (Block) Rhinex DM Cough Syrup' (Lemmon) Robitussin Syrup' (Robins) Robitussin A-C Liquid' (Robins) Robitussin-CF Liquid' (Robins) Robitussin-DM Syrup' (Robins) Robitussin-PE Syrup' (Robins) Rolabromophen Decongestant Expectorant (Robinson) Rola-Methazine Decongestant Expectorant Plain (Robinson) Rola-Methazine Expectorant Pediatric (Robinson) Rola-Methazine Expectorant w/Codeine' (Robinson) Rola-Methazine Decongestant Expectorant w/Codeine2 (Robinson) Romex Syrup' (American Pharmaceutical) Romilar III Syrup' (Block) Romilar CF Syrup' (Block) Romilar Children' s Syrup' (Block) Rondec-DM Drops (Ross) Rondec-DM Syrup (Ross) Rynatuss Pediatric Suspension (Mallinckrodt) Ryna-Tussadine Expectorant Liquid' (Mallinckrodt) Sedatussin Liquid' ( L i l l l ) Sherafed-C Expectorant (Sheraton) Silence is Golden Syrup' (Bristol-Myers) Silexin Cough Syrup' (Clapp Otis & Son) Soltice Syrup (Chattem) Sorbase Cough Syrup ( F o r t David) Sorbase II Cough Syrup ( For t David) Sorbutuss Syrup' (Dalin) Special Cough Formula Liquid ( Upjohn)
7.0 25.0 2.0 2.0 None None 2.0 None 25.0 1.2 5.0 3.5 3.5 1.4 1.4 1.4 None 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 None 10.0 10.0 None 0.6 0.6 None 3.0 None None None None None None None None 3.0
TABLE 1 (continued) Alcohol %
Brand name (Manufacturer)
Clinical Toxicology Downloaded from by McMaster University on 12/28/14 For personal use only.
COUGH PREPARATIONS (continued) St. Joseph Cough Syrup for Children' (Plough) Supercitin syrup' (Vitarine) Terpin Hydrate w/Codeine Elixir' (Various m f r s ) Toclonol Expectorant' (Cenci) Toclonol w/Codeine' (Cenci) Tolu-Sed Syrup' ( F i r s t Texas) Tolu-Sed DM' ( F i r s t Texas) Tonecol Syrup' (A. V. P. ) Triaminic Expectorant' (Dorsey) Triaminic Expectorant DH' (Dorsey) Triaminic Expectorant w/Codeine (Dorsey) Triaminicol Cough Syrup' (Dorsey) Trind Syrup' (Mead Johnson) Trind-DM Syrup' (Mead Johnson) Triprofed Expectorant w/Codeine2 (Robinson) Troutman' s Syrup' (G. E. Labs) Tuspect Liquid (Lemmon) Tusquelin Syrup (Circle) Tussagesic Suspension' (Dorsey) Tussar-2 Cough Syrup (Armour) Tussar-SF Cough Syrup (Armour) Tusscapine Syrup' ( Fis ons ) Tussciden Expectorant' (Cenci) Tussend Expectorant' (Dow) Tussend Liquid' (Dow) Tussionex Suspension (Pennwalt) Tussi-Organidin Expectorant ' (Wallace) Tussi-Organidin DM Expectorant (Wallace) Tuss-Ornade Liquid (SKF) Ulo Syrup (Riker) Valdrene Expectorant (Vale) Vick' s Cough Syrup' (Vick)
0.4 None 43.0 7.2 7.2 10.0 None 7.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
None 15.0 15.0
None 5.0 5.0 5.0 < 1.0 5.0 12.0
None None 15.0 5.0
None 15.0 15.0 7.5
None 5.0 5.0
DENTAL PRODUCTS Cold Sore/Toothache Cold Sore Lotion' (DeWitt) Dalidyne Lotion (Dalin) Dentocaine (Adult) (Dentocaine) Dentocaine (Mild) (Dentocaine)
90.0 61.0 70.0 70.0 (continued)
424 TABLE 1 (continued) Brand name (Manufacturer)
Alcohol %
Clinical Toxicology Downloaded from by McMaster University on 12/28/14 For personal use only.
Cold Sore/Toothache (continued)
10.0 10.0 56.5 10.0 90.0 20.0
Dr. Hands Teething Gel (Roberts) Dr. Hands Teething Lotion (Roberts) Jiffy' (Block) Numzit' (Purepac) Rexall Cold Sore Lotion' (Rexall) Toothache Drops' (DeWitt) Mouthwash/Gargle
70.0 8.8 14.0
Astring-0-Sol' (Breon) Betadine Gargle' ( Purdue-Frederick) Cepacol' ( Merrell-National) Cherry Chloraseptic Liquid (Eaton) Chloraseptic' (Eaton) Colgate- 100' (Colga;e-Palmolive) Forma- Zincol Conc. (Ingram) Gly-Oxide' (International Pharmaceutical) Greenmint Mouthwash' (Block) Isodine Gargle' ( B lair ) Larylgan Aerosol Throat Spray' (Ayerst) Larylgan Throat Spray' (Ayerst) Lavoris' (Vick) Listerine' (Warner-Lambert) Micrin Plus Gargle and Rinse' (Johnson & Johnson) Mouthwash and Gargle' (McKesson) Odara' (Lorvic) Oral Pentacresol' (Upjohn) Proxi el' (Reed & Carnick) Scopef ( Pr octer & Gamble) S.T. 37' (Calgon)
None None
15.0 None None None
35.0 94.0 1.0 5.0 25.0 10.0 14.0 48.0 30.0 None 18.5 None
ELECTROLYTES Kaochlor S-F Liquid (Warren-Teed) Kaochlor 10% Liquid ( Warren-Teed) Kaon Elixir (Warren-Teed) Kaon-C1 20% Elixir (Warren-Teed) Kay Ciel Elixir (Cooper) Kloride (Amfre- Grant) Klor- 10% ( Upsher-Smith)
5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 4.0 5.0 None
TABLE 1 (continued) Brand name (Manufacturer)
Alcohol %
Clinical Toxicology Downloaded from by McMaster University on 12/28/14 For personal use only.
ELECTROLYTES (continued) Klorvess 10% (Dorsey) Kolyum Liquid (Pennwalt ) Pan-Kloride (Panray) Pfiklor- 10% Liquid (Pfizer) Potassium Chloride ( Philips-Roxane) Potassium Triplex Liquid (Lilly) Probilagol Liquid (Purdue-Frederick) Valpin Elixir (Endo) Valpin-PB Elixir (Endo)
1.0 None 5.0 4.9 None None None 5.3 5.3
HEMATINICS Appet-Iron Liquid' (Columbia Medical) Chel-Iron Liquid' (Kinney) Chel-Iron Pediatric Drops' (Kinney) Feosol Elixir' (SKF) Feostat Drops' (0' Neal, Jones & Feldman) Feostat Suspension' (0' Neal, Jones & Feldman) Fergon Elixir' (Breon) Fer-In-Sol Drops' (Mead Johnson) Fer-In-Sol Syrup' (Mead Johnson) F e r i s o r b Liquid (Reid-Provident) Ferrolip Syrup' (Flint) Fetinic-MW Elixir' (Winston) Fuma Drops (North American) Fumaral Elixir (North American) Glytinic Liquid' (Boyle) Hepp-Iron Drops' (Norgine) Hytinic Elixir' (Hyrex-Key) I. L. X. Elixir' (Kenwood) I. L. X. Blz Drops' (Kenwood) Incremin w/Iron Syrup' (Lederle) Jeculin Tonic (Fougera) Li-Betaron Elixir (Warren-Teed) Mol-Iron Liquid' (Schering) Neovis Liquid' ( F i r s t Texas) Niferex Elixir' (Central) Nu-Iron Elixir' (Mayrand) Pedicran w/Iron Liquid' (First Texas) Secran/Fe Elixir' (First Texas)
None None None 5.0 None None
6.0 0.2
0.2 None None 17.0 None 5.0 None None 10.0 8.0 None 0.8 17.0 10.0 4.8 5.0 10.0 10.0 1.0 1.0
PETRONI AND CARDONI TABLE 1 (continued) Brand name (Manufacturer)
Alcohol %
Clinical Toxicology Downloaded from by McMaster University on 12/28/14 For personal use only.
HEMATINICS (continued) Sorbitinic Liquid' ( L a s e r ) Su-Tinic Liquid' (Rucker) Toleron Suspension' (Mallinckrodt) Troph-Iron Liquid (SKF) Visorbin Liquid' (SKF)
12.5 None None None None
LAXATIVES Agoral Emulsion' ( Warner-Chilcott) Black Draught Suspension' (Chattem) Colace Liquid' ( Parke-Davis) Colace Liquid' (Mead Johnson) Colace Syrup' (Mead Johnson) Cologel Liquid' (Lilly) Disonate Solution' (Lannett) Disonate T r u p ' (Lannett) Doxinate 5 o Solution (Hoechst-Roussel) Dr. Caldwell' s Senna Laxative' (Glenbrook) Evac-Q-Kit Liquid' ( Warren-Teed) Fletcher' s Castoria' (Glenbrook) G-W Emulsoil Liquid (Canfield) Haley' s M - 0 Emulsion' (Glenbrook) Hydrolose Syrup' (Upjohn) Kondremul Emulsion ( Fis ons ) Laxsil Suspension' (Reed & Carnrick) Milk of Magnesia' (Various m f r s ) Milkinol Liquid' (Kremers- Urban) Modane Liquid' (Warren-Teed) Neo-Cultol Suspension' ( Fisons) Neoloid Emulsion' (Lederle) Nujol Liquid' (Plough) Peri-Colace Syrup' (Mead Johnson) Petrogalar Emulsion' (Wyeth) Petro-Syllium No. 1' (Whitehall) Petro-Syllium No. 2' w/Phenolphthalein (Whitehall) Phospho-Soda Liquid' (Fleet) Regul-Aid Syrup' (Columbia Medical) Senokot Syrup' ( Purdue- Frederick) X-Prep Liquid' (Gray)
None None 18.0 None None
5.0 None None 5.0
4.5 None None None None None None None None None 5.0 None None None None None None None None None None 7.0 (continued)
TABLE 1 (continued) Alcohol %
Brand name (Manufacturer)
Clinical Toxicology Downloaded from by McMaster University on 12/28/14 For personal use only.
SEDATIVES/HY PNOTICS Alurate Elixir ( Roche) Alurate Verdum Elixir (Roche) Amytal Elixir (Lilly) Butisol Sodium Elixir (McNeil) Carbrital Elixir3 (Parke-Davis) Chloral Hydrate Syrup 250 mg/5 ml ( Philips-Roxane) Chloral Hydrate Syrup 500 mg/5 ml (Various m f r s ) Fello-Sed Liquid (Fellows) Intasedol Liquid (Elder) Kessodrate Syrup (McKesson) Nembutal Elixir (Abbott) Nembutal Sodium Solution (Abbott) Neuronidia Elixir (Almay) Noctec Syrup (Squibb) Pedo-Sol Elixir (Bock) Phenobarbital Elixir (Various m f r s ) Seconal Elixir (Lilly) Sedadrops ( Merrell-National) Sedapap Elixir (Mayrand) Somnos Elixir (MSD) Triclos Liquid (Merrell-National)
20.0 20.0 30.0 7.0 18.0
None None 1.0 7.0
None 18.0 10.0 35.0
None 23.0 14.0
12.0 None 12.0 1.0
STIMULANTS Aminobrain-PT Elixir (Medical Products Panamericana) Analeptone Elixir (Reed & Carnrick) Atrazol Liquid (Reid- Provident) Benizol Elixir (International Chemical & Nuclear) Benizol Pl us Elixir (International Chemical & Nuclear) Cenalene Elixir (Central) Cenalene-M Elixir (Central) Coramine Oral Solution (Ciba) Dexamyl Elixir (SKF) Dexedrine Elixir (SKF) Geroniazol Elixir ( Philips-Roxane) Gevizol Elixir (Saron) Mentalert Elixir (Keene) Metalex- P Elixir (Arnar-Stone) Metrazol Liquidum Elixir (Knoll) Niapent Elixir (Ferndale)
5.0 16.0 15.0 5.0 15.0 15.0 15.0
None 25.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 5.0 15.0 15.0 15.0
TABLE 1 (continued) Brand name (Manufacturer)
Alcohol %
Clinical Toxicology Downloaded from by McMaster University on 12/28/14 For personal use only.
STIMULANTS (continued) Nico-Metrazol Elixir (Knoll) Nicozol Elixir (Hart) Nikethamide Oral Solution (Various mf rs) Nioric Elixir (Ascher) Penalate Elixir (Mayrand) Pentinic Elixir (Alto) Senoral-M Elixir (Kay Pharmacal) Vita-Metrazol Elixir (Knoll)
15.0 5.0
None 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0
TRANQUIL1Z ERS Atarax Syrup (Roerig) Equanil Suspension (Wyeth) Haldol Concentrate (McNeil) Mellaril Concentrate 30 mg/m13 (Sandoz) Mellaril Concentrate 100 mg/m13 (Sandoz) Navane Concentrate (Roerig) Nervine Liquid' (Miles) Permitil Concentrate (Schering) Proketazine Maleate Concentrate (Wyeth) Prolixin Elixir (Squibb) Serentil Concentrate ( Boehringer-Ingelheim) Sparine Concentrate (Wyeth) Sparine Syrup (Wyeth) Stelazine Concentrate (SKF) Taractan Concentrate (Roche) Thorazine Concentrate (SKF) Thorazine Syrup (SKF) Trilafon Concentrate3 (Schering) Vesprin Suspension (Squibb) Vistaril Oral Suspension ( Pf izer )
None None 3.0 4.2 7.0
None 1.0
None 14.0 0.6
None None None None None None 1.0
None None
Abdec Baby Vitamin Drops' (Parke-Davis) Abdec Drops (Parke-Davis) Abdec w/Fluoride Baby Vitamin Drops ( Parke-Davis) A.D.C. Drops' (Parke-Davis) A.D. C. Drops w/Fluoride (Parke-Davis) AD-Cebrin Drops' (Lilly ) AD-Cebrin w/Fluoride Drops' (Lilly )
None None None None None None None (continued)
TABLE 1 (continued) Alcohol %
Brand name (Manufacturer)
Clinical Toxicology Downloaded from by McMaster University on 12/28/14 For personal use only.
VITAMINS/MINERALS (continued) Adeflor Drops (Upjohn) Adeflor B Drops (Upjohn) Aquasol A Drops' (USV) Aquasol E Drops' (USV) Aquasol E Elixir' (USV) Belap Elixir (Lemmon) Beplete Elixir (Wyeth) Betalin Complex Elixir (Lilly) Betalin S Elixir (Lilly) Beta-Vite Liquid' (North American) Beta- Vite w/Iron Liquid' (North American) Bewon Elixir' (Wyeth) C-B Time Liquid' (Arco) Cecon Drops' (Abbott) Ce-Vi-Sol Drops' (Mead Johnson) Chel-Iron Liquid' (Kinney) Chel-Iron Pediatric Drops' (Kinney) Cherri-B Drops (North American) Cherri-B Liquid' (North American) Clusivol Syrup' (Ayerst) Cofron Elixir w/Vitamin BIZ (Abbott) Crystivite Liquid' (Reid- Provident) C-Syrup 500 (Ortega) Dentavite Drops (Reid- Provident) Drisdol Liquid (Winthrop) Drisdol Solution (Winthrop) Eldertonic (Mayrand) Eldiatric F. S. Liquid ( Elder) Feosol Elixir' (SKF) Fergon Elixir' (Breon) Fer-In-Sol Drops (Mead Johnson) Fer-In-Sol Syru (Mead Johnson) Feri sor b Liquid (Reid-Provident) Fluoravite Drops (Saron) Fluoritab Liquid (Fluoritab) Flura-Drops (Kirkman) Foralicon Plus Elixir ( For bes ) Ganatrex Elixir (Merrell-National) Geralix Liquid' (North American) Geriplex- FS Liquid' ( Parke-Davis)
None None None 15.0 15.0
22.0 16.0 17.0 10.0 None None 16.0 None None 5.0 None None None None None 17.0 0.5 None None None None 13.5 18.0 5.0
6.0 None 0.2 0.1 None None None None 15.0 15.0 18.0 (continued)
TABLE 1 (continued) Brand name (Manufacturer)
Alcohol %I
Clinical Toxicology Downloaded from by McMaster University on 12/28/14 For personal use only.
VITAMINS/MINERALS (continued) Geritol Junior Liquid' (Williams) Geritol Liquid' (Williams) Gerix Elixir' (Abbott) Gerizyme Liquid (Upjohn) Gerizyme Solution' (Upjohn) Geroniazol Elixir ( Philips-Roxane) Gevrabon Liquid' (Lederle) Gerval Protein Powder' ( L eder le) Hepp-Iron Drops (Norgine) Hepp-Iron Elixir w/Vitamin B (Norgine) Homicebrin Liquid' (Lilly) Hytinic Elixir (Hyrex-Key) Iberet Oral Solution' (Abbott) Iberet- 500 Oral Solution' (Abbott) 1.L.X.Blz Dro s' (Kenwood) I. L. X. Elixir'.' (Kenwood) Incremin w/Iron Syrup' (Lederle) Initia Drops' (Parke-Davis) Initia w/Fluoride Drops (Parke-Davis) Jeculin Tonic' (Fougera) Karidium Liquid (Lorvic) Lanoplex Elixir (Lannett) Lederplex Liquid' (Lederle) Lipotriad Liquid' (Smith, Miller & Patch) Liqui-Cee Liquid' (Arnar-Stone) Liquid Geritonic (Geriatric Pharmaceutical) Livitamin Liquid (Beecham) Luride Drops (Hoyt) Mol-Iron Liquid' (Schering) M. V.M. Liquid' (Amfre-Grant) Neo-Calglucon Syrup (Dorsey) Nicocap Liquid' (International Chemical & Nuclear) Nicotinex Elixir' (Fleming) Niferex Elixir' (Central) Novacebrin w/Fluoride Drops (Lilly) Nu-Iron Elixir' (Mayrand) Paladac Liquid' ( Parke-Davis) Pediaflor (Ross) Pedicran Liquid' ( F i r s t Texas) Polysorbin Drops' ( Reid-Provident )
None None 20.0 18.0 18.0 12.0 18.0 1.0 None 12.0 5.0 10.0 1.0 1.0 None 8.0 0.8 None None 17.0 None 11.0 None None None None None None 4.8 None None 10.0 15.0 10.0 None 10.0 None None 1.0 None (continued)
TABLE 1 (continued) Brand name (Manufacturer)
Alcohol %
Clinical Toxicology Downloaded from by McMaster University on 12/28/14 For personal use only.
VITAMINS/MINERALS ( continued) Polysorbin-F Drops (Reid-Provident) Poly-Vi-Flor Drops (Mead Johnson) Poly-Vi-Sol Drops' (Mead Johnson) Poly-Vi-Sol Drops w/Iron' (Mead Johnson) Poly- Vi- Sol Li uid' (Mead Johnson) Rubraton ElixirP (Squibb) Sevran' (First Texas) Secran/FE Elixir ( F i r s t Texas) Siderol Syrup (Doral) Sorbitinic Liquid' ( L a s e r ) S. S. S. Tonic (S. S. S. ) Stuart Formula Liquid' (Stuart) Stuart Hematinic Li uid' (Stuart) Taka-Combex E l i ~ i 3 '(Parke-Davis) ~ Tega-C Syrup-500' (Ortega) Theragran Liquid' (Squibb) Trisorbin Drops' (Reid-Provident) Trisorbin-F Drops (Reid-Provident) Tri-Vi-Sol Drops' (Mead Johnson) T r i - Vi- Sol Drops w/Iron' (Mead Johnson) Troph Iron Liquid' (SKF) Trophite Liquid' (SKF) Vi-Daylin Drops' (Ross) Vi-Daylin Liquid' (Ross) Vi-Daylin ADC Drops' ( R o s s ) Vi-Daylin F Drops ( R o s s ) Vi-Daylin/F ADC Drops ( R o s s ) Vi-Daylin Plus Iron Drops' (Ross) Vi-Gerol Elixir' (Columbia Medical) Vi-Mix Drops' (Lilly) Vi-Penta Infant Drops' ( Roche) Vi-Penta Multivitamin Drops' (Roche) Vi-Penta F Multivitamin Drops (Roche) Vi-Sorbin3 (SKF) Vi-Syneral Vitamin Drops' ( F i s o n s ) Zentron Li uid' (Lilly) Zymadropsq ( Upjohn) Zymalixir Syrup', (Upjohn) Zymasyrup (Uplohn) Zymatinic Drops ( Upjohn)
None None None None 4.0 12.0 17.0 1.0 None 12.5 None None None 10.0 None None None None None None None None Trace Trace None None None None 12.0 None None None None None None 2.0 None 1.5 2.0
1.5 (continued)
TABLE 1 (continued) Brand name (Manufacturer)
Alcohol % '
Clinical Toxicology Downloaded from by McMaster University on 12/28/14 For personal use only.
MISCELLANEOUS Adrenosem Salicylate Syrup ( Beecham) Amicar Syrup (Lederle) Aristocort Syrup (Lederle) Artane Elixir ( L eder le) Aventyl Liquid (Lilly) Caripeptic Liquid' (Upjohn) Celestone Syrup (Schering) Compazine Concentrate (SKF) Compazine Syrup (SKF) Cortef Fluid (Upjohn) Cytellin Suspension (Lilly) Dramamine Liquid' (Searle) Emetrol Liquid' ( R o r e r ) Hexadrol Elixir (Organon) Hydrolose Syrup' (Upjohn) Hytakerol Solution (Winthrop) Kenacort Syrup (Squibb) Lapav Elixir (Amfre-Grant) Lugol' s Solution (Various m f r s ) Maxibolin Elixir (Organon) Mediatric Liquid (Ayerst ) Mestinon Bromide Syrup (Roche) Peptenzyme Elixir' (Reed & Carnrick) Proglycem Oral Suspension (Schering) Sinequan Oral Concentrate ( Pf izer ) Symmetrel Syrup (Endo) Taka-Diastase Liquid' ( Parke-Davis)
None None None 5.0 4.0 18.0 1.0 None None 0.1
4.0 5.0 None 5.0 < 0.1 None None 10.0 None 10.0 15.0 5.0 16.0 None None None 15.0